Location: Fukuoka
Program: office
Lead Architects: So Nakamura
e-mail: s.nakamura@dan-design.jp
Office Name: Design Associates Nakamura
Site area: 186.21㎡
Building area: 111.70㎡
Total floor area: 212.29㎡
Completion year: 2021.2
Photo Credits: Masaki Hamada / Kawasumi・Kobayashi Kenji Photograph Office
Photographer’s e-mail: hamada@kkpo.co.jp
”One large roof” connects the office space and seminar room together with a semi-outdoor terrace to create a building where people can gather.
We designed a warm office by using a lot of wood inside and outside.
We designed an office space with two different characters ”An open office with an atrium” and ”A warm office surrounded by wood”.
An outdoor terrace with deep eaves welcomes people.