I remember the first time I stayed in a nice hotel. It was on a family trip to Seattle and for some reason my parents splurged on a great hotel room… I think us kids even got our own room to share that adjoined our parents’ room. The place had a massive atrium, pool facilities and it was simply a big step up from the usual rooms we stayed in.
I LOVED that trip and since then I love staying in hotels, especially luxury ones (doesn’t happen all that often). I have as much fun checking out luxury hotel rooms as I do spectacular interior design. T
Sometimes a hotel room is merely a place to sleep, and sometimes it’s a major part of ย what makes travel special. Whether it’s a quick stop on the highway or the destination itself, your stay in a hotel canย range from something you tolerate for a few hours, to an experience that rejuvenates and inspires you. Today we are focusing on the latter.
Looking through design books or studying the styles of your friends’ and neighbors’ homes can only get you so far in the quest for fresh ideas. At certain times, you must be influenced by that which you haveย not set out in search of. Happenstance can unexpectedlyย land you in a place where ideas are born. This space could beย the jumping-off point for your next project, your dream room.
While we typically focus on residential homes, this gallery is a collection of fabulous hotel rooms we found to inspire your home design as well as to give you a few minutes of a mental vacation to a swanky hotel in a location of your choosing.
Birds nest style bed in tropical arched room.
Modern hotel room with smooth, minimal surfaces all around. Glass bathroom, dark walls, and a natural hardwood floor add variety.Hotel room in classical grey tones, with floor to ceiling dark curtains and French doors opening to balcony.This room is dominated by the checker-patterned headboard covering one wall. Twin white beds and natural wood fill out the space.Light cream colors appear throughout this room. Giant patterned rug covers dark brown flooring.Here’s another take on the same style room, with double French doors opening onto a balcony. This features high contrast between white furniture and dark flooring.Here we have a room featuring polished dark wood flooring in contrast with bright white walls and furniture. Wicker seating around a glass coffee table and light wood trim fill out the space.This is a second look at the same room as above. Dining area with light natural wood is seen.This hotel room features a modern design, dominated by large patterned head board space on wall. Dark matte wood flooring highlights the lighter toned furniture and floor to ceiling curtains.Very large mirror and open glass door to balcony open this hotel room up. Oversized bed is capped with a burgundy ottoman.This room features a dark red theme running from the curtains, to the armchair, bed decoration, and headboard with surrounding mirror.Here is a wider view of the same room, showcasing the black leather couch and chair set and patterned blue-on-gold carpeting.Wide hotel room divided by entertainment center with mirrored gold surfaces. Leather seating around floral patterned carpet.This is the opposing view of the same room, showcasing the bed with decorative red covering on white sheets.View of a similar room, highlighting the dark wood framing and wide balcony opening.Second view, showcasing the detailed recessed lighting around a large circular light source. Wide open space is divided by dark wood columns.Classical styled room with gold hues. Striped wall surface contrasts with solid white furniture and natural wood and glass coffee table. One wall is entirely mirrored.Here’s another tropical styled room, featuring bamboo bed frame, ceiling arches, and enormous balcony opening. Mosquito netting is fashioned as a canopy bed.Modern theme with a tropical feel on display in this room. Bamboo coffee table, natural wood bed frame, shelving, and doorways, and bright color tones help the open space.This room features a large arcing ceiling punctuated by gold chandelier. Natural hardwood flooring and patterned rugs sit under wood bed frame and classical styled chairs.Dark brick patterned wall with sculpted art piece at center commands attention in this white, minimal room featuring two beds on a single raised platform.Ultra modern hotel room featuring patterned wall with white detail overlaid, dark hardwood flooring, and matching wood furniture with white soft surfaces.Bright white and gold hotel room highlighted with bold orange wall behind filigreed head board. Dark and gold colors feature on the furniture.Another very modern take on a hotel room. This one features crystalline lighting set into geometric-cut ceiling, over patterned hardwood flooring. Walls are striped horizontally, and light neutral furniture pieces act in contrast.