Sliding doors are great because you don’t have to worry about the space a swinging door takes up.
However, they aren’t as convenient to open or close as swing doors (for the most part).
They are ideal for accessing outdoor areas because they are easy to keep open – you don’t have to worry about swinging doors.
Regardless what you think about them, they remain popular. The thing is, when installing such doors you need to get a good understanding of sliding door dimensions and sizes. That’s where our detailed charts can come in handy below.
Related: Types of sliding doors | Front door dimensions | Garage door dimensions | French door dimensions | Pocket door dimensions | Interior door dimensions | All door dimensions
Sliding Door Dimensions
There are a few different types of sliding doors based on number of panels as well as how they come together.
Synchro sliding doors meet head-on. Telescopic close by overlapping.
Here’s an example of telescopic:
When it comes to planning out sliding doors you need to know the dimensions as well as the type you’ll be including. That’s what the above illustration and chart illustrations.
Sliding doors simply slide back and forth as a means to access closets or utility rooms. Their benefits are how they don’t require any room in terms of floor space to swing open, the downfall is they only allow access to half the available space when one door is open using a shared doorway spot with the closed side. They can then slide to the other side and allow access to either half of the closet behind, just not at the same time.
Folding Sliding Door Dimensions
Below is a chart with dimensions and illustrations of folding sliding doors.
Although a sliding-folding door sounds fancy, it really just incorporates two aspects common to closet doors into a single design. It’s a typical folding door, but instead of being placed in a permanent folded or unfolded position, is placed on a track so it can be moved once in its folded position.