Welcome to our cheat sheet on how to grow food for a year per person on only 1,020 sq. ft. of space.
Step 1: Plan Out Your Gardens
Different produce grows in different types of gardens and requires different materials. Depending on the produce you wish to grow, options include raisedbeds, raised containers, traditional, trellis garden, horseshoe beds, and greeenhouses.
Here’s a sample garden plan or layout. You’ll want to adjust to the space you have and the crops you wish ti grow.
Table Legend:
- AS – asparagus bed
- RB – raised beds
- RC1 – raised containers section 1
- RC2 – raised containers section 2
- KH – keyhole garden
- TT – traditionally tilled
- T1 – trellis 1; T2 – trellis 2
- HSB – horseshoe beds
- GH – greenhouse
- PS – partial shade beds
Note that your layout plan may be adjusted after going through the next step…
Step 2: Determine what and how much you want to grow
Below is a list of vegetables with the possible locations on the above garden layout. In order to plan out properly, you’ll need to figure out how much of each crop you and whoever else you’re growing for will consume in a year (or whatever duration you hope to provide food for). Once you know this, the following table suggests how much of each crop to plant.
# refers to pound in weight.
Thanks for reading our cheat sheet to growing food for you and your family in a way that will reduce or eliminate your dependency on overpriced grocery stores.
Learn more?
=> Download The Self-Sufficient Backyard book here
The Self-Sufficient Backyard book covers so much more than becoming food self-sufficient. Written by two successful off-the-grid homesteaders who have been at it for four decades, they cover everything including:
- How to make a water collection system
- How to grow an herbal medicinal garden
- How to create your own off-the-grid electricity
- How to build your own root cellar
- How to build a year-round self-sustaining greenhouse that works anywhere in America
- How to preserve everything you produce without electricity
If creating your own self-sufficient property appeals to you, download The Self-Sufficient Backyard.