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  1. hey jon dykstra, why cary at number 1? i mean, it’s nice but what about the others? just wondering cause i’m thinking of moving.

  2. Visited Cary last summer & totally see why it’s top. Great vibe and amazing food spots!

    1. Absolutely, JadeK! You have to check out the downtown area. So many gems hidden there.

  3. Interesting list, Jon. But did ya consider the historical value of these towns too? Like, Waxhaw has a rich history.

  4. dont get how Morrisville is better than some places, but whatever. Guess it’s all abt perspective.

  5. my dog could pick a better list… lol jk. But seriously, ever heard of a place called Dogwood Acres? top notch.

  6. Glad to see Wake Forest made the list. It’s genuinely a great place for families.

  7. huntersville’s where it’s at if you love sports. lots happening there all the time.

  8. imagine a suburb just for us crypto folks. Morrisville but for bitcoin, amirite?

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